• +260-213-250-286
  • lwenguschool@gmail.com
  • Plot 1667, Off Livingstone Road, Monze, Zambia
  • Community Support

    Community Support

    The Parent Teachers Association (P.T.A) is an active and supportive school body that assists in matters pertaining to academic performance, social welfare of the pupils and fundraising for the school. The P.T.A Committee meets termly, the A.G.M (Annual General Meeting) is held annually in July. The P.T.A has in the past fundraised to contribute to the many on-going school projects.


    Lwengu School prides itself on the kind, caring and giving culture of our pupils. We strive to develop compassionate human beings who value human life and dignity of others. With this in mind, we have a policy of reaching out to need areas of our society both materially and financially. Institutions that have benefited from the generosity of Lwengu School pupils and the institution at large include Monze Mission Hospital -Children’s Ward and Choongo Special Education School through the Helping Hand Club.